Kushnir Holdings, LLC.

Mission - To preserve a piece of history by managing and renovating historic properties that can be used in modern times.

Kushnir Holdings only holds historic properties. Owner Hilary Kushnir Taylor has made this the mission of the organization because she loves the charm of older buildings. From a turret to a detailed fireplace, historic buildings offer unique challanges in restoration and care.

Kushnir Holdings, LLC was founded in 2010 with the purchase of the Kushnir Furniture Historic Building located in Pueblo, CO. 212 and 216 S Union have been in the care of the Kushnir family for almost 100 years. Also added to our holdings in 2010 was the townhome at 900 E 20th Ave in Denver, CO. This home had many challanges when first purchased but its historic elegance has been restored. Please go to the individual properties pages to learn more about these unique buildings.